Deep Listening

For the Living and the Dying


Today I met with a woman who has felt death drawing near, just received a six-month to live diagnosis and longs to die consciously, beautifully, giving fully of herself in this "last chapter." Together we explored and found release for some of her regrets, created a spiritual support system, explored wise use of personal & spiritual energy, and addressed the challenges of supporting visitors/helpers with their feelings and shared stories and laughter, tears and insights. 

I was safe to share her secrets with, to test out conversations that needed to happen, to explore doubts and give voice to her deepest desires. With my various personal and professional chaplain experiences I had helpful stories, and could open doors to possibilities from others who had walked this path before her. 

Here in Sacramento this can happen over a cup of tea in your home, beyond it can happen via Zoom or Face Time technology. Schedule with me for a two hour window and pay me $50 + (more as your resources allow) for a first visit. Subsequent visits can be spontaneous, need based, or periodic checkins at my normal $75/hour rate or an amount reflective of your resources.

I am trained professionally as both a Hospital, Hospice and Prison chaplain, as well as a Spiritual Director and group Spiritual Direction facilitator. I have 4 years of experience as a Hospice Chaplain to 300 families a year.

For those whose death is not eminent and desire skilled companionship on their spiritual journey I recommend monthly scheduled hour long sessions. Consistency in attending to our spiritual lives brings forth many blessings and stabilizes us during chaotic times. 

Healing & Prayer

There were days of old when people hired the nuns or priests to pray for them. This is still possible if you believe in the power of prayer, and believe in the ability of another person to interceed, bless or simply contribute to your well-being with their visualization, prayer, practice or long-distance energetic healing.

While I usually prefer to teach people how to activate and upgrade their own energy and empower them to go for direct access to the infinite source energy, I am happy to talk to you about personalized prayer, distance healing sessions or simply be there for you and your spiritual purpose. Ask. 

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